Friday, January 21, 2011

Mike: So should I contact Mike Reese and call it a “NO”? Sounds like we have 4-5 with most of those not wanting to play. I think I also have Tyrone Collins who plays on that other team friended on Facebook.

Trent: Tyrone Collins has internet? Didn't know his kind was allowed.

Mike: Internet is free at the library douche bag.

Scott: Which is real funny……..because I can’t be the only one who saw that article a couple of weeks ago, on the front page………about the homeless guy, who bought a laptop, and uses the library’s internet, from outside the building???????

Mike: They guy who panhandles for money and then bets it on BETEVO and collects from Andrew. Oh, wait that’s Trent

Trent: What the fuck language are you typing in? what is that retard punctuation?

Trent: But he was white so it was probably for work - probably to check his stocks.
"Interesting fact I just learned by people watching at the airport: deaf people can eat/chew food while talking. Prob not a bag of chips or other finger foods though. Definitely not corn on the cob."
”Deuce, I do believe you and I are going to get to know each other real well today.” (and the crowd laughs) Even though you weren’t there for the full experience Nick, this quote belongs on the list………trust me."
There was a blind guy walking through target with his cane...

TD: Here's the problem: its not like Target labels shit in braille. He's wasting his time. I can honestly say I felt bad for him.

NK: Your middle name is compassion

TD: I felt like taking the poor fuck by cane over to Robinson's Feed to pet the kittens.
In regards to golfing for Scott's birthday...

"I'd like my name on my scorecard to be Jesus"

A response to Cole asking for photos of Peyton (again, after 9 months had passed)

"Lol!! That damn wife o' mine - such a let down.... What if I tell you that I'm on it!"

"I was prevented by my wife. She's a terrible person."

"Yesterday I almost walked away in the middle of her sandwich making and “told” her (mimed at her deaf ass) to forget it."